Sunday, March 25, 2012

Basic DB Design question

I have decided to build a Football Pool app as a way of teaching myself with non code-generating tools. I am stuck on some basic DB design thoughts and would appreciate some feedback.

Right now I have pages that let me input some of the initial data like Users, Teams and Game Schedules. I need to be able to record whether a user has paid their weekly entrance fee but I don't know which table to store this info even what datatype would be the best solution.

Here is the table design I have so far Before you ask, the users tables would be the 2.0 mambership ones which are too many to list...

Thoughts please. TIA

I would suggest the following as it pertains to the business logic of your task.

Create a table for the "week" with weekId and date (no time reqd). This is a central table that links most of the others together

Create a table formoney input or "Subscription" with a link to your dateId and user

You have a table formoney output - winnings which links to dateId.

You might also need to store more user details - maybe more on address, more phone numbers etc.

|||You are in the right direction about your table design while the previous advice not about table design, you can use Microsoft provided membership for your users and just add DRI(declarative referential integrity) to team, schedules and subscription fee tables, money you need to use Decimal or Numeric because you can set precision and scale. Hope this helps.

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