Sunday, March 25, 2012

Basic Example of Insert, Update Trigger

Hello, Can someone please show me a basic example of trigger that will
work with two tables in this manner:
1. On INSERT for Table1, copy a particular column's value to another
column in Table2
2. On UPDATE for Table1, copy this particular column's value to
another column in Table2.
The key field for both tables is Invoice# and will always exist in
both tables.
It seems like there are a couple ways to do this, one with just using
a join and the other using the 'Inserted' table. Could someone please
show me the best approach to this solution? I would really be grateful
and name my next born after you.
Thanks in advance,
On Jun 13, 6:51 am, Buster Coder <> wrote:
> Hello, Can someone please show me a basic example of trigger that will
> work with two tables in this manner:
> 1. On INSERT for Table1, copy a particular column's value to another
> column in Table2
> 2. On UPDATE for Table1, copy this particular column's value to
> another column in Table2.
> The key field for both tables is Invoice# and will always exist in
> both tables.
> It seems like there are a couple ways to do this, one with just using
> a join and the other using the 'Inserted' table. Could someone please
> show me the best approach to this solution? I would really be grateful
> and name my next born after you.
> Thanks in advance,
> Buster
I think you require update in table2 in both the cases
CREATE TRIGGER employee_insupd
ON table1
col2 = a.col1
FROM table2 T2 , inserted a
WHERE T2.invoiceno = a.invoiceno

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